ONE SKY FLAGS, European Parliament

Under the patronage of the European Parliament

European Parliament, Strasbourg, France
19 May 2019, Day of open doors.

28 ONE SKY FLAGS were flying in front of the European Parliament.
The flags are showing pictures of the sky above the nations:
ONE SKY FLAGS unite Europe under one sky.

28 flags showing pictures of the sky above Europe instead of national flags in front of the European Parliament. Artwork by YLS Yvonne Lee Schultz
28 ONE SKY FLAGS flying in front of European Parliament. Artwork by YLS Yvonne Lee Schultz

ONE SKY FLAGS evoke the notion of freedom and peace.

The artwork visually connects nations.

It is a symbol of diversity in unity.

ONE SKY FLAGS also allude to our common resource – the air we breathe.

Sky, wind and light are trespassing frontiers as catastrophes,
pollution and climate change do not stop at national borders.


Flaggen, die Bilder vom Himmel über Europa zeigen, vor dem Europäischen Parliament. Kunstwerk von YLS Yvonne Lee Schultz

Children in all EU member states were invited to take a photo of the sky above them.
One photo of each country was produced as a flag and the single contributions
were unified to a joint sign of Europeans living together under one sky. 

The children presented themselves in a questionnaire were they were also sharing
what they imagine when looking at the sky.

With kind support of EPSON


Quotes from the young participants from Europe

Glimpse into the video presentation at BOZART, Brussels